A World of Adventure



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Learn more about Romania's attractions, historical sights, archeological ruins, medieval cities and castles, ancient monasteries, and more in the new Language and Travel Guide to Romania
published by
Hippocrene Books.


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The Sights

So much to see – so much to do – so much history!

From quaint peasant villages with shepherds walking their flock and women weaving rugs; to sumptuous palaces with gilded rooms and exotic decor. From majestic Carpathian mountains to sandy Black Sea beaches. From 2,000 year old Greek and Roman ruins, to glittering hotels and casinos; imposing stone citadels to pastel, gingerbread-trimmed Saxon houses, to bare city flats. From traditional folk festivals, to grand opera, symphony and theatre. From rugged sports to relaxing spas.

Thanks to its long, turbulant history and its 70 years of Communist isolation, 2000 years of the country's history is still visible and alive. And with its current surge into the modern world, visitors find the ancient just around the corner from the glamourous. Romania is a country of extremes.

Corvin Castle, Hunadoara (courtesy of RoNTO)

Hora la Prislop, Maramures

Sucevita monastery, Bucovina (courtesy of RoNTO)

Mogosoaia (courtesy of RoNTO)

Black Sea resorts (courtesy of RoNTO)

Medieval Cities: Broad Piatas, 12th-15th century buildings, decorative architectural designs, cobblestoned streets and historic monuments.

Castles and Citadels: Fairy-tale castles like Peles, Bran, and Corvin Castles; ancient fortresses and bastions protecting churches and villages.

Villages: Old traditional communities in Maramures and Transylvania; their local pottery and hand-made textiles.

Wooden Churches: The elaborately carved gates and tall wooden churches in the remote villages of Maramures.

Monasteries: The unique 13th-century monasteries, some painted with exterior Byzantine frescoes.

Bucharest: Magnificent Palaces and architecture; Casinos and Nightclubs; classical Theatre, Music and Opera; beautiful Parks; and shopping.

Museums: 2,000 years of history, culture and art.

Danube Delta: A wilderness paradise for birds, fish and plant life.

Black Sea Resorts: Golden beaches and seaside activities.

Spas: Rejuvenation escapes in thermal baths and treatment centers in the mountains and on the Black Sea coast.

Ancient Ruins: Remains of early Greek and Roman settlements.

Spectacular Scenery: The dramatic beauty of Romania’s Carpathian mountain trails and ski resorts.

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Romanian National
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New York City



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© 2005 Rosemary Rennon
All photos were taken by Rosemary Rennon, unless otherwise noted.